Princess Muse

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Musings about Blogs

My friend Arlyn has a cat.  The cat's name is Spike.  Spike is having respiratory issues.  The vet gave Arlyn medicine to give Spike to help him with his sneezing.  The vet tech told Arlyn to give Spike the medicine before his bedtime because it could make him sleepy.  (You can read about it on Arlyn's blog "Forgive Me, I'm a Leo".... the post is "Epic Sneezes.")

My point is:  how do you know when it's a cat's bedtime?  And does it really matter?  I could understand the warning if it was followed up with "because your cat's going to get very hyper and if you're trying to sleep, you won't be able to," or "there's a chance that your cat is going to have a seizure, so you're going to want to watch him," but "because the medicine is going to make your cat sleepy?"

Then there's my friend Tommy's blog, "Table for One, Please." Tommy lives in Chicago and is single.  He has a good job and he enjoys good food, so he likes to eat out.  Tommy's blog is all about the joys of eating by yourself.  He's trying to get the restaurant industry to realize that a customer is a customer, and that single eaters deserve the same consideration as a couple or a group.  He also talks about the food and posts lots of pictures, which just makes me hungry.  He also talks about other stuff as he sees fit.

My friend Debi has a blog, too.  Debi is a vet tech at the University of Florida (but the least said about that, the better, because, well, I went to Florida State.  The two schools do not get along.  Although most Gator fans will tell you that their biggest rival is the Univ of Ga, which is probably true--they don't call that game "The World's Largest Cocktail Party" for nothing.   But I digress).  Debi is also enrolled at UF, working on a degree in Creative Writing.  Debi writes about writing, when she's not actually writing.  Or working.  Or studying.  Her blog is "The Pen Whore."

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to amusing myself.  I think I'll solve another Sudoku.

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