Princess Muse

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Musings about Time Travel, Wormholes and Hammy.....

So, after Thursday's exciting discussion about Time Travel, I thought it would be interesting to actually do a little (and I do mean little) research about wormholes and the possibility of time travel....

When I posted about this originally, Joel (who's married to one of my best friends, Leigh Ann) mentioned a show on the Discovery Channel called Through the Wormhole.   The episode that seemed to be the most relevant is called "Faster Than Light."  The accompanying article in the website (, seems to agree with the Hong Kong Scientists, but.... it supposes that you could create a wormhole and travel through it.  And, if you did some tricky things, you might be able to fold space-time in such a way that you could travel through time.  Not so practical for the average person to just be able to go back and visit with Grammy and Gramps, but hey, who ever thought computers would get small enough that you could carry it in a pocket?

I also found an article from National Geographic called "Are Wormholes Tunnels for Time Travel?," which explained what wormholes are and how they might be used to time travel.

And NOVA talked to Carl Sagan about Time Travel.... and he mentioned wormholes as a way of doing it....

Then, of course, Over the Hedge has been doing a series this week about Hammy the Squirrel going back in time and actually being the one who ignites the Big Bang.....Michael Fry, who writes the comic, also keeps a blog with a few comments about the strip.....Time Lord Hammy....

Which, of course reminds me that I was most remiss....if you don't happen to have a Starship that can travel at warp speeds hanging around a star, all you'd need is a blue police box that's bigger on the inside.... commonly known as the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space).

Time to aMuse myself with building my own TARDIS.... I wonder if there's a Time Lord I could pick up? With my luck, it'd be Hammy....

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